1-)Fantastic Four 1
2-)SpiderMan 3
3-)Batman Dark Knight
4-)Iron Man
5-)Ghost Rider
7-)X Men 3
9-)Incredible Hulk
10-)Superman Returns
This was my response:
"That just might possibly be the worst list of anything ever created. lol You have shitty moves in the list (Fantastic Four, Daredevil), movies that aren't out yet (Dark Knight), movies that are the worst out of their series (Spidey 3 and X-Men 3), and you left the best movies out of your list completely (X-Men 2 and Spider-Man 2). Wow.
I don't know if I could rank a complete top 10 in order. It would take a lot of thought. But I know for a fact that there is a strong chance that none of the movies in your list would even make it into mine. lol Maybe since it's a top 10. But if it was a top 5, definitely not. The first two Spider-Man and X-Men >>> Your entire list. That's 4 right there."
That list had such a mind-blowing effect on me, that I had to write this blog and show it to others. Seriously, was that list even real? Was it meant to be a joke? Is that person retarded? Is he 12 yrs old? What sort of mental handicap could cause a person to make a list like that? I seriously can not say with any degree of certainty that any of the movies in his list would make it into mine if I made a list.
Let's give the list a closer look.
Fantastic Four, that movie just sucked. Plain and simple. There's not even really anything to discuss. How this could be his all-time favorite superhero movie boggles my mind.
Spider-Man 3, BY FAR the worst movie in the series. It wasn't a BAD movie, but the first two set such a high bar and were so much better. How is this even in his list, much less 2?
The Dark Knight, this isn't even out yet, and won't be for another 2 months. Huh?
Iron Man, this just came out this weekend. Shouldn't you need more than a day to fully absorb a movie to the point where it can be one of your all-time favs? Even if not, although this was a good movie, it's been incredibly over-hyped. When I compare it to what I feel to be the best superhero ever, it falls short in every way. What interests me the most about Iron Man is that the fact that it's got such a good reception from the common fan, yet is very similar to the first Hulk movie: Big on character and story, not so big on action. But nobody seemed to like the first Hulk movie. The fuck? Just goes to show you how powerful word of mouth is. If a lot of people say something is the shit, the average Joe will say it's the shit too, whether they truly enjoy or not, just so they don't appear to be going against common belief.
Ghost Rider, I didn't see this one, but I've heard nothing but average reviews. I've heard nobody who loved it, and I don't know anyone who hated it either.
Blade, this is the only one that might make my Top 10 list. And if it did, it would still be near the bottom, and I really liked this movie.
X-Men 3, once again the worst one its series. Better than Spider-Man 3, but still pales in comparison to the first two X movies. My problem with Spidey 3 and X3 making the list isn't so much the fact that they're on the list, but the fact that the first two movies in each series aren't.
Daredevil. Nuff said.
Incredible Hulk, as I mentioned earlier, this movie typically gets a poor reception from the common fan, so I'm surprised to see it on his list. Then again, why should I be? His list seems fully comprised of movies that people don't like. I personally don't understand everyone's gripe with this movie. Once again, I think it's just people being followers. The average fan came out saying this movie sucked (probably because it had some depth and wasn't completely full of mindless action), then everyone just followed suit so as not to appear different. I don't know if this would make my Top 10, probably not, but it doesn't deserve the bad rep that it gets.
Superman Returns, if you're gonna put a Superman movie in there, why not one of the originals? Once again, this wasn't bad, but I wasn't blown away by any means.
For me, a great superhero movie should have a lot of the same things that a great regular movie has: good characters, good story, good acting, and good character development and chemistry. Then, throw in some really cool action and special effects, and you've got yourself a winner. The movie that embodies these characteristics the most (Spider-Man 2), isn't even in this guy's list! Oh well, just thought I'd vent. Maybe I'll compose my list a little later.
1 comment:
I agree, that is indeed a horrible list, mostly because it is poorly researched. The author of that list clearly likes Jessica Alba as much if not more than me, but to make that movie #1 because of her is absurd. The Hulk is a movie that came out already, The Incredible Hulk comes out in June. Spider-man 3 was a let down, as were all the X-men movies. The author puts in Dark Knight, which isn't out yet, but ignores Batman Begins? Some people don't deserve technology.
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